
Our History

With over 100 years in business, Standard Motor Products (NYSE:SMP) continues to be an automotive industry leader by adapting to changing technologies.


A New Era

The first moving assembly line for automobiles was developed by Ford Motor Company, transforming cars from unaffordable luxuries into transportation for the masses.


SMP is Born

Elias Fife (pictured) and Ralph Van Allen establish Standard Motor Products (SMP) in New York City, specializing in ignition and electrical products.


Early Growth and Manufacturing

A west coast branch was opened in Seattle with co-founder Ralph Van Allen as general manager.


Over the River

SMP moves across the East River to Long Island City, NY.


Second to None

Elias Fife, (third from right) leading the company’s first sales force, vows to have a “sales force second to none.”


Hydraulic Brake Boom

The first American car with four-wheel hydraulic brakes, the Duesenberg Model A, is developed, replacing ones that relied on the pressure of the driver’s foot alone.


Planting Roots in Queens

Irving Beck, a manufacturer of battery cables, leases space for his operation in SMP’s building on 10th Street, the company's first Queens location. The move made battery cable products the first items to be manufactured at Standard Motor Products.


Power Steering is Invented

Engineer Francis W. Davis began exploring how steering could be made easier, and in 1926 invented, demonstrated and patented the first practical power steering system. The Chrysler Imperial sedan was the first vehicle to adopt power steering.


Wire and Cable Expansion

The SMP product line expands to include wire and cable.


Automotive Ignition Parts

SMP begins manufacturing automotive ignition parts. Shipped from Standard in bulk, these ignition parts were stored by installers in glass jars (pictured). As inventories grew and part numbers multiplied, individual cardboard folding cartons replaced the glass jar storage system.


Expansion Across the Pond

Standard Motor Products markets its products overseas, headed by, Dorothy Lewes, SMP's first Export Manager.


The Right to Repair

Delco-Remy, a subsidiary of General Motors, initiates a lawsuit against P&D, a prominent aftermarket manufacturer of ignition point sets, claiming infringement of Delco’s design patents. Although SMP was not named as a defendant, Elias Fife knew that a victory for Delco-Remy would mean the end of the aftermarket industry. Fife assumed leadership of the defense of this case, and personally directed the legal efforts on behalf of the entire industry. Going all the way to The Supreme Court, the aftermarket industry won its case and established “The Right to Repair." A motorist has the right to bring their vehicle to any repair shop they choose and, in turn, the repair shop may purchase parts from any source they choose.


EIS Manufacturing Founded

EIS Manufacturing was founded in a quiet Bronx residential neighborhood next door to Schwarz Auto Parts. Salesmen drove EIS "Missionary Cars" delivering product information directly to the installer.


Wire and Cable Growth

Irving Beck sells his wire and cable manufacturing business to SMP, and joins the company as a purchasing agent.


The Blue Streak Concept

Elias Fife markets Blue Streak®, a premium-quality line of automotive products designed to combat the growing perception about aftermarket replacement parts. The Blue Streak® name became synonymous with premium quality in the automotive aftermarket with a product that was actually superior to the OE part.


Safety First

Flashing turn signals are introduced.


A Legacy Begins

Bernard Fife (right), son of founder, Elias Fife, joins SMP.


Home Sweet Home

SMP moves from its 10th Street location to its current location at 37-18 Northern Blvd. in Long Island City, New York.


A Cool Addition

The first air conditioning system is added to automobiles.


Fully Automatic

Oldsmobile introduces the first mass-produced, fully automatic transmission.


Canada Bound

Standard Motor Products begins marketing products in Canada.


The Legacy Continues

Nathanial Sills, Elias Fife’s son-in-law, joins the company.


A Positive Expansion

SMP acquires Hygrade® Products, Co. and expands its product line to include carburetor repair parts, fuel pumps, shock absorber parts and speedometer cables.


SMP Defines the Carburetor Tune-up Kit

Hygrade® introduces the Jiffy Kit, the standard of the carburetor parts industry. The Jiffy Kit, becomes the most important product in the Hygrade® line.


A 25+ Tradition

In July 1950, the company begins The “25 Year Club” tradition honoring the service and dedication of employees who have been with the company for 25 years. To date, the "25 Year Club" has over 1,000 members. The tradition continues over 70 years later.


Finally Cruising

The first cruise control mechanism is developed and is now standard on today’s vehicles.


Steering with Power

Chrysler Corporation introduced the first commercially available power steering system for passenger cars on the 1951 Chrysler Imperial.


Canadian Momentum

Blue Streak®/ Hygrade® Motor Products, Ltd. is established in Canada.


Welcome to the Public

SMP becomes a publicly owned company with stock being first traded over the counter.


Blue Streak® Brand Makes Strides

Blue Streak® brand introduces Lubripoints, an advanced assembled contact breaker point set featuring patented Lubriwick technology.


Green Movement

Automakers introduce the PCV system to begin to reduce harmful emissions.


Injection Development

The first electronic fuel injection system is developed.


Southeast Expansion

Standard Motor Products opens Stanric, its first offshore factory in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.


The Next Generation

Larry Sills, grandson of Elias Fife and a member of the family's third generation, begins his SMP apprenticeship.


SMP Acquisitions

Seeking to diversify and supply a fuller range of products, SMP acquires Champ Items. Originally Champion Window Anti-Rattler Company, Champ was started in 1929 by a former mechanic and car salesman who introduced the line with a window shim for the Model A Ford.


Engineering Excellence

Taking the first steps necessary towards becoming a basic manufacturer of electronic ignition parts, a separate Electronics Engineering group is created by SMP.


Sales in Motion

Larry Sills addresses the SMP sales force at the 1973 National Sales Meeting. SMP is well on its way to meeting Elias Fife's original vision that Standard would have "a sales force second to none."


Listed on NYSE

Standard Motor Products is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol SMP.


Four Seasons® Purchase

Four Seasons® Comfort Controls of Fort Worth, TX, a rebuilder of automotive compressors and regional air conditioning manufacturer, is purchased by SMP.


Carco Purchase

SMP purchases Carco Inc. of Jacksonville, Florida, a manufacturer of automotive climate controls.


Technician Clinics are Introduced

SMP introduces the first technician clinics focusing on electronics.


Wire and Cable

SMP begins wire and cable production in the Edwardsville, KS facility. A wire and cable line is introduced in Canada shortly thereafter.


The Beginning of ABS

Lincoln introduces the first American car with an antilock braking system (ABS). Today SMP offers over 2,400 ABS Sensors.



Taking the lead from Japanese manufacturing processes, “just-in-time” delivery and statistical process control becomes popular.


Grapevine Sees Growth

SMP temperature controls division is formed as Four Seasons® and Carco consolidates and move to Grapevine, TX.


Electronics Operation Gets A Boost

SMP purchases electronics operation from Fairchild’s Hybrid Products Division.


Ignition and Fuel Acquisitions

SMP acquires Guaranteed Parts and Sorensen Industries, two manufacturers of ignition and fuel system parts


Temp Controls Go North

SMP introduces a temperature control line in Canada.


Super Distribution Center Opens

SMP consolidates three smaller warehouses into one 400,000 sq. ft. distribution center in Disputanta, Virginia.


Counterperson Training Begins

SMP introduces counterperson training programs to support our customers and raise brand awareness.


Global Expansion

SMP enters a joint venture with Lavi Electronics, a Toronto remanufacturer of engine control computers. Standard acquired a majority interest, and the company was renamed Blue Streak Electronics, Inc.


The Tradition Continues

Eric Sills, great-grandson of Elias Fife and a member of the family's fourth generation, begins his tenure at SMP.


Alternative Fuel Encouraged

The passage of the Federal Energy Policy Act of 1992 encourages alternative fuel vehicles.


SMP Receives Recognition

SMP appears on the Fortune 500 list of America’s largest industrial corporations as a leader in the Motor Vehicles and Parts category.


Blue Streak® Europe

Blue Streak® Europe is established giving SMP an expanded global presence.


SMP Acquires Federal Parts

SMP acquires Federal Parts, a leading manufacturer of economy wire sets.


Oxygen Sensor Manufacturing

SMP acquires oxygen sensor manufacturing business from Allied Signal expanding its manufacturing base in the growing sensor category.


75 Years Strong

Standard Motor Products celebrates 75 years in business.


Unimotor® Startup in Canada

SMP starts up Unimotor® in Ontario, Canada to manufacture blower and radiator fan motors.


SMP Corporate Training Center

Responding to the need for technician training to keep pace with advancing technology, SMP opens its corporate training center in Irving, Texas.


Temperature Control Expansion

SMP acquires Hayden®, a manufacturer of fan clutches and transmission oil coolers, to continue its expansion of the Temperature Control Division.


SMP Electronics Heads to Florida

SMP's Electronics Business Unit moves to new facilities in Orlando, FL to continue its advanced manufacturing of automotive electronic components.


Developing Technology

SMP engineers develop advanced, double-wire bonding and heat-sink technology for electronic modules creating a stronger, better performing and longer lasting automotive electronic control module.


Cadillac Steps Up Safety

Cadillac offers automatic stability control, increasing safety in emergency handling situations.


The Prius Paves the Way

The Toyota Prius was only available in Japan when it first went on sale in 1997, and became the first mass-produced hybrid vehicle. It was subsequently introduced worldwide in 2000.


Integrated Airbags

The modern-day airbag became standard on vehicles, significantly increasing driver and passenger safety.


Four Seasons® Expansion

Maxair, Everco and Murray become part of the Four Seasons® division of SMP expanding SMP's automotive temperature control offering.


Professional Diagnostics

SMP corporate training introduces professional diagnostic seminars continuing the company's commitment to educate automotive technicians.


Wire and Cable Division Expands

Carol Cable Ltd, a UK wire manufacturer, becomes part of SMP Holdings Ltd.


Mastering Fuel Injection

SMP enters fuel injection manufacturing by purchasing selected assets of Sagem, Inc., a basic manufacturer of fuel injectors and related parts, from Johnson Controls, Inc.


SMP and NAPA® Echlin®

Dana Corporation agreed to sell a significant portion of the Engine Management operations of its Automotive Aftermarket Group to Standard Motor Products, and the BWD®, Niehoff and Echlin® brands join the SMP family. SMP becomes a supplier to NAPA® with the Echlin® brand.


Dana - Canada

SMP acquires Canadian Engine Management Business from Dana Corporation and begins integrating functions into SMP's Mississauga, Ontario location.


Green Seasons

Four Seasons® division receives Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2004 certification for green manufacturing setting the standard for all of SMP's facilities.


Expanding Global Manufacturing

Standard Motor Products begins remanufacturing compressors at its plant in Reynosa, Mexico. Today, SMP has three manufacturing facilities in Reynosa; Temperature Control, Engine Management and Wire and Cable.


Poland Expansion

SMP opens manufacturing facility in Bialystok, Poland to serve expanding European markets.


SMP Develops CNG Injector

SMP develops a CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) compatible fuel injector establishing the company as a leader and innovator in fuel system technologies.


TPMS Takes Center Stage

All vehicles made or sold in the U.S. are now required to have Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS). SMP has added TPMS sensors to its growing engine control line.


SMP Adds Belden® Wire

SMP acquires Federal Mogul Wire product line adding the well respected Belden® brand to the wire lineup. SMP begins supplying Belden® Edge® wire sets to NAPA®.


Unimotor® Goes Hybrid

Unimotor® develops hybrid battery cooling blower for low-emission hybrid trucks establishing SMP as a leader in this advanced technology.


Intermotor® Comes to America

SMP launches Intermotor® brand in the United States establishing SMP as a leader in the engine management import market.


SMP On Social

SMP steps into the age of social media with its first Facebook brand page. SMP Facebook pages now include Standard®, Four Seasons®, BWD®, Intermotor®, TechSmart®, ACI®, Hayden Automotive® and Standard Motorcycle®.


HVAC Redesign for HUMVEE

SMP is a major contributor to a redesigned HVAC system for the military HUMVEE, helping to engineer a solution to reduce the oppressive in-vehicle temperature. Three SMP Temperature Control division plants, in the US and Canada, engineered, manufactured and supplied the A/C compressor, evaporator, heater core, condenser coils, front and rear HVAC motor housing assemblies and the condenser fan assemblies. As the result of SMP engineering and ingenuity, the in-vehicle temperature was lowered from 95ºF to 83ºF for a 13% reduction.


Ringing the Bell

Flanked by SMP Board of Directors, CEO, Lawrence Sills, rings the NYSE Closing Bell to commemorate SMP's 90th anniversary.


Continuing Growth

SMP's Hong Kong facility transitions from manufacturing to procurement while maintaining an engineering support staff.


Hayden® Heads to Texas

Hayden®, a manufacturer of fan clutches and transmission oil coolers, moves into the Grapevine, Texas facility.


SMP Gets Technical with Video

SMP uploads its first YouTube video, welcoming a new age of product communication, motorist interaction, and technical training. Today SMP video channels have more than 50 million views with over 75,000 subscribers.


Standard® Motorcycle Launch

SMP launches the Standard® Motorcycle Products Brand.


SMP Gets TechSmart®

SMP develops and launches the TechSmart® brand. TechSmart® is designed to provide a line of enhanced engine control products to the professional service technician with a focus on new technology, new categories and problem-solving improvements to the original part.


Standard® Joins Twitter

On July 12, 2011 Standard® Brand joins the social media site Twitter and posts its first tweet. Today BWD®, TechSmart®, and Intermotor® brands join Standard® in the Twitter universe.


SMP Acquires BLD®

SMP acquires BLD® products engine controls business expanding SMP's basic footprint in emission controls with PCV valve manufacturing.


Forecast® Joins SMP

Forecast® Trading Company is acquired by SMP, and the OEM brand becomes part of the SMP family.


SMP Featured in The Atlantic

"Making it in America" in the Jan/Feb 2012 issue of The Atlantic Magazine prominently features SMP, highlighting the story of American manufacturing, its challenges and the people who make it possible. CEO, Larry Sills was interviewed along with other SMP employees for this narrative which was also broadcast nationally on NPR radio.


Right to Repair Legislation

The Motor Vehicle Owners' Right to Repair Act, referred to as Right to Repair, takes a giant leap forward as the Massachusetts legislature passed H. 4362, a Right to Repair bill on July 31, 2012 marking the first time that this federal legislation will become law.


CompressorWorks® is Acquired

CompressorWorks® is acquired by SMP joining Four Seasons® as a key brand in the automotive compressor category in SMP Temperature Control Division.


SMP Hits 60,000+ Fans

SMP counts more than 60,000 in its growing family of Facebook "fans" across its popular brands.


SMP Gets Basic in TPMS

SMP acquires an equity position in Orange Electronics giving SMP a manufacturing base in TPMS sensor manufacturing. Orange has been an innovator in the field of wireless tire pressure monitoring systems, is certified worldwide, and has received many awards and patents for TPMS innovation including one for advanced TPMS Clone-able technology.


SMP Acquires Pensacola Diesel

SMP acquires the assets of Pensacola Fuel Injection's diesel remanufacturing. Providing an expanded base for diesel fuel system manufacturing, the acquisition includes a wide range of diesel fuel injectors, diesel pumps and turbo chargers.


SMP continues to grow

SMP forms a joint venture with Gwo Yng Enterprise Co., Ltd., a basic manufacturer of air conditioning accumulators, filter driers, hose assemblies and switches for the automotive aftermarket, original equipment and original equipment service markets. SMP also acquires the assets of Annex Manufacturing, a distributer of a variety of temperature control products for the automotive aftermarket.


SMP Goes Mobile

SMP launches its SMP® Parts App for Apple and Android devices in September. Key features include a UPC scanner, a search function and access to rich content such as install instructions and videos.


SMP’s Websites Get an Overhaul

In November, Standard Motor Products launched its revamped Standard Brand website featuring responsive architecture, an all-new interface and a redesigned eCatalog. As a result, it has never been easier to filter through Standard Brand’s more than 40,000 parts. The website’s user-friendly format has been applied to other SMP brand websites over time.


A Move for the Future

On the heels of its 95th anniversary, SMP looks to the future by appointing Eric Sills as President of the company. As the great-grandson of Elias Fife and son of CEO Lawrence Sills, Eric Sills becomes the fourth generation of the Fife/Sills family to be appointed to the Office of the Chief Executive.


SMP CEO Larry Sills Receives Prestigious Award

During the Automotive Warehouse Distributors Association (AWDA) Opening General Session in November, SMP Chairman and CEO Larry Sills was presented with the AWDA's most prestigious honor, the Jack Creamer Leader of the Year Award.


SMP Appoints New CEO

In March, President Eric Sills becomes the fourth CEO in SMP’s history. He’s also appointed to the Board of Directors. Former CEO Larry Sills is named Executive Chairman of the Board.


SMP Acquires General Cable

SMP acquires the North American automotive ignition wire business from General Cable to expand an already extensive ignition wire offering.


Interactive Buyer's Guide Launches

In April, SMP launches its Standard Interactive Buyer’s Guide. Consisting of seven interactive, illustrated parts guides, the tool allows customers to search across all Standard® parts guides at the same time. Plus, search results are highlighted for easy identification, and the part numbers in each index and parts guide link to SMP’s award-winning eCatalog.


Larry Sills celebrates 50 years at SMP

Larry Sills, Executive Chairman of the Board, celebrates 50 years at SMP. During his tenure at SMP, the grandson of SMP founder, Elias Fife, has held several important positions including General Sales Manager, Vice President of Operations, company President and CEO.


It's a Safety First for TPMS Sensors

In August, Standard Motor Products became the first manufacturer to have TPMS sensors registered with NSF® International, a leading independent, accredited organization that tests and verifies the functionality of products and systems. NSF® TPMS registration provides third-party assurance to consumers, shops and insurance companies that our aftermarket TPMS sensors meet all applicable federal requirements and will fit and function properly in a manner equivalent to the OE sensor on the vehicle.


SMP receives MERA certification for its Diesel Injectors

SMP is accepted to the Manufactured Again (MERA) Certification program. Based on ISO 9001 and IATF 16949 quality standards, the program helps customers identify remanufactured products with like-new quality and warranty coverage while also promoting environmentally friendly standards. To receive certification, SMP was required to provide third-party evidence that its facilities conformed to MERA's quality standards.


SMP Forms Joint Venture with Foshan Guangdong Automotive Air Conditioning Co., Ltd.

SMP forms joint venture with Foshan Guangdong Automotive Air Conditioning Co., Ltd. (FGD), a China-based manufacturer of air conditioning compressors for the automotive aftermarket and the Chinese Original Equipment market. The new company is named Foshan FGD SMP Automotive Compressor Co., LTD.


SMP Expands ADAS Category

SMP expands its line of Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) components for its Standard® and Intermotor® lines. The expansion of ADAS components includes Blind Spot Detection Sensors, Cruise Control Distance Sensors and Lane Departure System Cameras and provides coverage for all major domestic and Japanese manufacturers including Ford, GM, Chrysler, Toyota, Honda and Nissan.


Blue Streak is Back: Featuring New Heavier-Duty Ignition Coils

Building on our rich history of quality and durability, we’re proud to say that Blue Streak® is stronger than ever. Our Blue Streak® program includes our original Blue Streak® products such as points, condensers, caps and rotors, as well as our new heavier-duty, longer-lasting ignition coils that are engineered and manufactured at our TS16949-certified facility in Bialystok, Poland.


Standard® Wins New Packaging Showcase Award at AAPEX

We're excited to announce that our new Standard® packaging won the New Packaging Showcase Award for Marketing at this year's AAPEX show. As a full-service supplier, we're committed to excellence across all of our departments, whether it's product, engineering, training, sales, or marketing. We'd like to give a special thanks to our marketing team and our agency, TFI Envision, for all the hard work that went into this design.


SMP Receives Prestigious Award for Training

At this year's AWDA Opening Session, Standard Motor Products was presented with the Art Fisher Memorial Scholarship Award. The award is given to a company or individual in recognition of their leadership and commitment to education and training, either within their own organization or throughout the auto care industry. On behalf of our world-class training team, we're honored to accept this award. 


SMP Celebrates 100th Anniversary

Standard Motor Products announces that it is celebrating its 100-year anniversary. Over the years, SMP has grown by leaps and bounds from the company that Elias Fife founded in 1919. SMP now employs approximately 4,400 people, generates over a billion dollars in net sales, operates in more than 25 facilities around the world, and is a leading independent manufacturer and distributor of replacement parts in the automotive aftermarket.

Eric Sills, CEO and President, and a fourth-generation descendant of the founder, stated, “In this highly competitive industry, we owe our sustained success to both the dedication of our talented employees as well as to our loyal customers. We are committed to entering our next centennial with the same determination and ingenuity that has made SMP the automotive market leader that it is today.”


SMP Rings NYSE Opening Bell

To commemorate its 100th anniversary in business, Standard Motor Products rang the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange. 


SMP Acquires MK Company Ltd.

SMP acquires assets of MK Company Ltd., a plastic injector molder in London, Ontario. MK Company will now be known as the Unimotor Plastics Department.


The Launch of SMP Cares

SMP announces the launch of its SMP Cares website, a new site dedicated to highlighting the company’s efforts supporting local communities through service, volunteerism and donations.


SMP Manufactures Heat Exchangers for Medical Oxygen Devices

With the high demand for oxygen and ventilating equipment due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SMP’s Temperature Control Division has delivered heat exchangers suitable for oxygen concentrators and oxygen generators, key components used in the production of medical ventilators.


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report

The inaugural report summarizes SMP's commitment to be environmentally and socially responsible, and highlights the Company’s initiatives, goals and achievements related to ethics, its business, its employees and communities, and the planet.


SMP Purchases Stoneridge’s Particulate Matter Sensor Business

SMP acquires the particulate matter sensor product line from Stoneridge Inc. The advanced emissions control technology is used in commercial vehicles expanding use in the original equipment heavy-duty market.


Eric Sills Testifies Before US House Committee of Energy & Commerce

Eric Sills, President and CEO of Standard Motor Products and incoming Board Chairman of AASA, speaks before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection & Commerce. He was one of only four to testify on supply chain resilience and American competitiveness. 

The hearing took place virtually and can be viewed on the Committee webpage HERE. Read Sills’ full testimony HERE


SMP Acquires Trombetta

SMP acquires Trombetta, a worldwide leader in providing power switching and power management products to OE customers in various markets. With the acquisition of Trombetta, SMP adds manufacturing facilities in Tijuana, Mexica, Milwaukee, WI, Sheboygan Falls, WI as well as a majority ownership in a joint venture in Wuxi, China.


SMP Acquires Stabil Group

SMP acquires Stabil, a manufacturer and distributor of a variety of components, including electronic sensors, control units and clamping devices to the European OE market, servicing both commercial and light vehicle applications. Stabil has facilities in Pécel, Hungary and Kirchheim unter Teck, Germany.


Supporting Local Healthcare Heroes

SMP shows its support and gratitude to Long Island City healthcare workers as they continue to care for patients combating COVID-19. SMP employees donated over $1,000 in healthy snacks that were distributed to Mount Sinai’s key personnel in Astoria.


Employees Give Back Through SMP Cares™ & SMP’s Annual Scholarship Awards

SMP give back to our communities through the extraordinary generosity in both time and money donations in 2021. Additionally, SMP continued to support the training and education of our next generation of technicians and automotive students through its Annual Scholarship Contest.


SMP Joins the Center for Automotive Diversity, Inclusion and Advancement

SMP announces that it has joined the Center for Automotive Diversity, Inclusion and Advancement (CADIA) to continue deploying initiatives focused on diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I). Founded in 2017, CADIA is a non-profit organization with the mission of doubling the number of diverse leaders in the automotive industry by 2030. This news follows SMP’s launch of a DE&I taskforce to focus on internal initiatives to help drive change.


Record Year for Customer Awards

SMP receives numerous awards including the Spirit of NAPA Award; O'Reilly Auto Parts Supplier of the Year and Technical Training Awards; AutoZone Extra Miler; Aftermarket Auto Parts Alliance Outstanding Customer Service and People's Choice Awards; Automotive Parts Services Group Outstanding Vendor of the Year; Parts Authority Operational Performance; and NAPA Canada Supplier of the Year.

"We are exceptionally proud of the awards and recognition we received in 2022" said Eric Sills, President and Chief Executive Officer at SMP. "The awards are a true testament to our people, their efforts and our core values."


Electric Vehicle Sales Hit Record High

Q2 2022 delivered record sales of electric vehicles with 196,788 sold, or 66.4% more than in Q2 2021. With these sales, electric vehicles account for 5.6% of new vehicle sales. While electric vehicles still account for less than 1% of vehicles on the road, SMP is committed to expanding our offering for electric and hybrid vehicles.


SMP Acquires Kade Trading GmbH

SMP acquires 100% of the capital stock of Kade Trading GmbH, headquartered in Glinde, Germany.  This acquisition provides SMP with an entry point into the European market for its temperature control products with a strong focus on the continuing electrification of thermal systems.


SMP Introduces Engineered Solutions

SMP introduces a new operating segment, “Engineered Solutions,” focusing on non-Aftermarket end markets, including both on-highway (commercial and light vehicles) and off-highway (construction, agriculture, power sports, and other) applications. Offerings include product categories from both of SMP’s legacy operating segments and provide a broad array of conventional and future-oriented technologies, including those that are specific to vehicle electrification and those that are powertrain-neutral.


SMP Announces Segment Reporting Changes

With the introduction of Engineered Solutions, SMP announces its intent to rename its Engine Management segment to “Vehicle Control” to more accurately reflect the evolution of the products and categories SMP offers, and the future areas of product growth including powertrain-neutral and electrification-specific offerings. The three subcategories of the segment include “Ignition, Emissions and Fuel,” “Wire Sets and Other,” and “Electrical and Safety.”


SMP Named 2023 Company Ally of the Year

During the AAPEX Show, SMP is the proud recipient of several awards, including being named the 2023 Company Ally of the Year by Women in Auto Care. This award highlights SMP’s continuous commitment to empowering women within the organization. SMP is a proud sponsor of this prestigious community and appreciates the organization’s impact on women throughout the industry.


SMP Named One of America’s Most Responsible Companies and a USA Today’s American Climate Leader

SMP is recognized as one of America’s Most Responsible Companies 2024 by Newsweek and Statista. This list recognizes companies for continued effort and results within all aspects of Sustainability - Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG). SMP is also recognized in the USA Today’s Inaugural List of America’s Climate Leaders, which represents companies that have lowered greenhouse gas emissions and reduced their carbon footprint over the past several years.


SMP Named a U.S. News and World Report Best Company to Work For

SMP is recognized as one of U.S. News and World Report’s Best Companies to Work For and is named one of the Best in the Northeast. SMP is one of only eight companies recognized in the Auto and Parts distinction.


SMP Certified as a Most Loved Workplace®

SMP is certified as a Most Loved Workplace® by the Best Practice Institute recognizing companies where employees are the happiest and most satisfied based on its scores on the Love of Workplace Index™.


SMP Welcomes Nissens to the Family

SMP acquires AX V Nissens III APS (“Nissens”), a leading European manufacturer and distributor of aftermarket engine cooling and air conditioning products with a growing array of vehicle control technologies.